Unlock the life You Have Always Dreamed of With The Belief Code

Identify and Release Unwanted Beliefs, Replace Negative Systems of Thought And Create Space For New Empowering Beliefs

The Belief Code Isn’t Just A Session; It’s A Transformative Experience Designed To Propel You Towards A Life of Abundance, Fulfillment, And Profound Well-being. Why Wait For Tomorrow To Live The Life You Want Today? Book Your Session Now and Take The First Step Towards A Radiant, Thriving Future.

🏷️ Get 37% Off ( Single Session )

Original price was: USD $147.00.Current price is: USD $125.00.Buy Now

🏷️ Get 35% Off ( Package of 3 Sessions )

Original price was: USD $547.00.Current price is: USD $297.00.Buy Now

🏷️ Get 40% Off ( Package of 5 Sessions )

Original price was: USD $897.00.Current price is: USD $447.00.Buy Now

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1,283 reviews)

What is The Belief Code?

The Belief Code® is a new way to help people feel better by working with their minds. It builds on ideas from the Emotion Code® and the Body Code™ but goes deeper. It helps people who help others for a living get into the subconscious mind. This is where a lot of our hidden thoughts and beliefs are stored, some of which can be negative and hold us back. The Belief Code helps to find these negative beliefs, get rid of them, and replace them with positive ones. This can help align what we consciously want to believe with what we subconsciously believe.

For example, if you’re trying to feel better about yourself, you might tell yourself, “I am worthy,” every day. But deep down, you might not fully believe it because of negative thoughts that have been with you for a long time. Even if you try to be positive and take good care of yourself, these deep-seated negative beliefs can make it hard to truly see yourself in a good light. The Belief Code can help remove these negative beliefs, making it easier for you to see yourself as you really are and feel better about yourself.

A belief is just what your subconscious thinks is true or false, or right or wrong. It’s like a lens that shapes how you see and live your life. Negative beliefs can come from all sorts of things, like bad habits, limiting thoughts, deep-seated beliefs that aren’t helpful, negative messages you’ve picked up, images, emotions you haven’t let go of, and more. With muscle testing, you can ask simple yes or no questions to your subconscious to figure out what’s stopping you from being your best self or reaching your goals.

Discover the Layers of Your Belief System

Imagine your belief system as a tree, where each part represents a different layer of thoughts and feelings that affect how you see the world and yourself. Here’s a simple breakdown:

Faulty Core Identity: This is like the soil. It’s where negative beliefs begin, often rooted in our early years. If the soil is poor, it’s hard for anything good to grow.

Faulty Core Belief: These are the roots. Over time, these beliefs intertwine and reinforce each other, making them stronger and more influential.

Limiting Belief: This part is the trunk. It’s the central part of your belief system, shaping how you view yourself and limiting what you think you can achieve.

Negative Program: Finally, the branches and leaves represent your negative thoughts and the things you tell yourself that don’t help you grow.

By understanding these parts of your belief system, you can start to change the negative into positive, transforming how you view life and yourself.

Why Do I Need a Belief Code Session?

As a Belief Code Practitioner, I’m really excited to share this life-changing method with you. Imagine finally overcoming those constant challenges in your life, whether they’re in your relationships, your finances, or your health, and moving past the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck.

Ever feel like you’re almost reaching a goal, but then something just seems to pull you away? Often, that “something” is a subconscious belief system, acting like an invisible force that steers you off course. But here’s the great news—the Belief Code® lets me find and break down these limiting beliefs quickly. In just a few minutes, you could be free from years of self-defeating habits and start building new, empowering beliefs.

The Belief Code Session Has Helped People To:

Let go of the bad vibes from past experiences with love, relationships, and family issues, and make room in your heart for more love in every form.

Set your creativity free and reach new heights of success by getting rid of the limiting beliefs, habits of failure, and self-defeating actions that might be stuck in your body as energy that’s out of balance.

Open the door to wealth and plenty by clearing out the issues that might be creating obstacles to money and other barriers that keep you from achieving your full potential.

Benefits of The Belief Code Session

The Belief Code session is a powerful system for identifying, neutralizing, and replacing negative belief systems in the subconscious mind! The Belief Code” offers a multitude of benefits for those looking to enhance their personal and emotional well-being. Here’s how it can positively impact your life:

Improved Self-Awareness: It helps you identify and understand your deep-seated beliefs, many of which you might not have been consciously aware of. This increased awareness is the first step towards change.

Emotional Healing: By addressing and rectifying faulty core beliefs, you can heal from past emotional wounds, leading to a more peaceful and content state of mind.

Enhanced Personal Growth: With the removal of limiting beliefs, you’re no longer held back by your own doubts. This opens up new possibilities for personal development and achieving your full potential.

Better Mental Health: Replacing negative programming with positive beliefs can significantly improve your mental health, reducing feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress.

inceased Confidence: As you shed limiting beliefs, you’ll naturally become more confident in your abilities and more comfortable in your skin.

improved Relationships: Understanding and modifying your belief system can lead to healthier interactions with others, as you approach relationships with more positivity and less baggage.

Greater Success: With barriers removed, you’re more likely to take action towards your goals and dreams, leading to greater success in various areas of your life.

Enhanced Well-being: Overall, “The Belief Code” aims to promote a holistic sense of well-being, helping you to live a more fulfilled, joyful, and abundant life.

benefits of belief code

What’s the difference between The Emotion Code, Body Code and The Belief Code?

You might be curious about the differences between the Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code. Here’s what sets them apart.

Belief Code Session Info

 I am a certified Belief Code Practitioner. I will do a remote Belief Code session to change your negative beliefs. In Belief Code Session, we work to release negative beliefs that are contributing to the issue you would like to address. Typically, we focus on 1 to 2 major concern or issue per session and we work to release the negative and limiting beliefs that may be contributing to or causing this particular issue in your life.

All Belief Code sessions are done by proxy. This type of energy therapy uses the most advanced techniques I believe are available anywhere in the world to effectively and efficiently identify and release energetic blocks. In fact, proxy work is just as effective as meeting with you in person, only more convenient and less time consuming for clients. You do not have to drive in traffic, sit in a waiting room and lose time out of your day to achieve results. All of my clients have the comfort and convenience of being able to relax at home while I complete their sessions.

In quantum physics, this is known as non-local healing. This approach is so cool because there are no limitations on who is able to receive and benefit from this work. You do not have to live in the same city, state, country or even hemisphere for me to effectively work on your energy. I have clients across the country and around the world.

Once you purchase your session, I will contact you via email to gather a few pieces of important information that I will need for your session. This will include your name, your age, the nature and severity of your issue and a photograph of yourself. You do not have to reveal any information you would prefer to keep private, and any specific information you share will be confidential and only used to benefit you during your session.

body code practitioner
belief code

How Many Sessions Will I Need

Some emotional and physical conditions may require only one session. Other may require more than 1 session , however, depending on how many underlying imbalances are found. After a session, the body then needs to process what it has released and balanced. Your body knows how much it can safely release, balance and process at one time. This processing usually takes 1-2 days.


What I Will Need From You for Remote Healing Session

  • Name of the person needing the treatment.
  • Country
  • Date of birth
  • Issue / ailment details
  • Picture ( optional but better )

Energetic Processing

Releasing the burden of heavy negative beliefs can occasionally cause initial symptoms of processing. So your nervous system and tissues may need to re-calibrate after clearing out all theses energetic distortions. This may cause you to feel tired or emotional for 1 to 2 days, but this processing effect is only temporary, like pressing the reset button or rebooting your system.

Commonly, my clients report feeling lighter, freer, happier, more clarity, more joy, less pain or free of pain, less anxiety, less stressed out, more energetic, more excitement for life, improved health, and so on. Many symptoms of complaint often disappear altogether.

Belief Code Session Report

My session notes will include details about the  released underlying imbalances and list of negative beliefs that were released. In one session , I will Release 1 Belief System and the associated imbalances using the Belief Code modality. In each belief system, there could be between 7 to 10 negative beliefs that we’ll work on releasing.

How to Book Belief Code Session?


All packages can be made to fit your specific needs and goals. Whether your goal is weight loss, overall health, depression, relieve sadness, tame mood swings, higher self-esteem, new hope for happiness, feel more calm and relaxed, or any other physical or psychological issue.

After you have paid for a sessions, fill up the booking form below. I will set up a schedule for a sessions and will follow up with you via email to discuss the Belief Code Session procedure.

🏷️ Get 35% Off ( Package of 3 Sessions )

Original price was: USD $147.00.Current price is: USD $125.00.Buy Now

🏷️ Get 35% Off ( Package of 3 Sessions )

Original price was: USD $547.00.Current price is: USD $297.00.Buy Now

🏷️ Get 40% Off ( Package of 5 Sessions )

Original price was: USD $897.00.Current price is: USD $447.00.Buy Now

Belief Code Booking Form

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.

Have some questions?

We are happy to answer your questions. Email us at info@reikihealingdistance.com or fill up the form below and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

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Verified User Reviews

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Clients Reviews

Here's What Other Clients Have Said About Umer's Healing Sessions

Thanks for everything and I will be ordering again blessing ❤️🙏

September 17, 2024

Thanks for everything and I will be ordering again blessing ❤️🙏


I haven't ordered the thing he suggested just yet, but if the things I bought that WEREN'T that thing he suggested, also helpful, just think about what the thing he suggested COULD do.

September 17, 2024

I recommend it, because, with each service from Umer, I get better and better. I haven’t ordered the thing he suggested just yet, but if the things I bought that WEREN’T that thing he suggested, also helpful, just think about what the thing he suggested COULD do.


I feel better. I’m more happier and it’s like a weight lifted off of me. You won’t regret doing it.

September 16, 2024

I purchased five sessions of the heart wall removal. It was the best thing I ever did. I could actually tell when he did it. I feel better. I’m more happier and it’s like a weight lifted off of me. You won’t regret doing it.


Umer, seemed very genuine! I appreciate your healing service,

September 15, 2024

Umer, seemed very genuine! I appreciate your healing service, I felt the effects immediately! Looking forward to another session in the future! Highly recommend ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Did the heart wall and what a difference I have felt I cannot think Umer enough for everything he did. I feel like a new person you won’t regret it.

September 15, 2024

Did the heart wall and what a difference I have felt I cannot think Umer enough for everything he did. I feel like a new person you won’t regret it.


Quick and accurate as always Umer, thank you

September 13, 2024

Quick and accurate as always Umer, thank you


With this item I felt very peaceful and happiness

September 12, 2024

With this healing i felt very peaceful and happiness. I could feel he was working on it. I ordered 2 more healing package from Umer. He is very professional and knows what he is doing.


Already feel the changes and they were honest and kind

September 12, 2024

Already feel the changes and they were honest and kind


thank you Umer, you've saved my friends life, literally

September 7, 2024

With just the first session alone, my best friend who has dealt with 27 years of childhood trauma and inner conflict, told me himself that he’s feeling great, and I expected no less, absolutely amazing, thank you Umer, you’ve saved my friends life, literally


Thank you Umer, you're doing great, and he's feeling great, so I'm happy

September 7, 2024

Usually the day of the healing, it’s normal to feel “rough”, or “scummy”, which is how my best friend and brother has been describing it. The day Umer sends me the results of my brothers healing, my brother tells me that he feels extremely rough, and is “getting through some things”, but so far, it’s been minor, and the very next day, he says he feels refreshed, and even better than he has in the last few years. Thank you Umer, you’re doing great, and he’s feeling great, so I’m happy


This really helped me thank you

September 5, 2024

This really helped me thank you


Thank you!

September 5, 2024

I received a free session and felt changes in my mood and in my body. I felt lighter and am looking forward to seeing further results! Thank you so much!


He is the best healer! He is highly gifted and genuine!

September 4, 2024

He is the best healer! He is highly gifted and genuine! He does a great job! You will feel refreshed, light, and great after the cleansing session. I thank God that He put Umer in our path!


I feel like a new person.

September 3, 2024

Thank-you it’s all I can say, I’ve use your service before and I’m so grateful I feel like a new person. You truly have a gift.


Feeling better after a couple days! Thank you

September 2, 2024

Feeling better after a couple days! Thank you


Thank you very much As expected it was good

September 1, 2024

Thank you very much As expected it was good


am feeling lighter and positive. I am feeling much better. Thank you Umer. Thank you very much.

August 30, 2024

I am feeling lighter and positive. I am feeling much better. Thank you Umer. Thank you very much.


Heartwall Cleansing

August 27, 2024

I’ve done other healing sessions with Umer before and they have helped me feel a lot better. Here’s to hoping and wishing for the best for the heartwall cleansings!


I felt so different right away

August 27, 2024

I felt so different right away ,I feel more calm and might and I’m able to get out of bed with contemplating


I feel that I have received great help.

August 26, 2024

I feel that I have received great help.


if your looking for a healer choose umer he's the best!

August 23, 2024

I love you umer I feel Amazing just got back into the gym and trying to keep it up . Umer is Amazing if your looking for a healer choose umer he’s the best!


Hope for redtoration

August 20, 2024

It help my grandson thru rough times unkmownly


Thank you. Felt a little better.

August 20, 2024

Thank you. Felt a little better.


Once I purchased this I came back to peacefulness in me.

August 19, 2024

It was necessary in my life. I couldn’t sleep properly and my life was literally going south out of nowhere. Once I purchased this I came back to peacefulness in me.


I'm feeling much better after the distance healing.

August 18, 2024

I’m feeling much better after the distance healing. Sleep is much better ,and I feel more energetic.


Umer, is a great person to work with. He gives guidance were necessary.

August 17, 2024

Umer, is a great person to work with. He gives guidance were necessary.


good job all the time

August 15, 2024

good job all the time


Umer is a very respectful and good healer. He is so nice that he thanks customers a lot.

August 14, 2024

Umer is a very respectful and good healer. He is so nice that he thanks customers a lot. He is caring and tries his best to help people through his energy healing abilities. Thank you Umer. Keep up the good work.


Umer has been incredible.

August 10, 2024

Umer has been incredible. I returned to him when I was feeling off-balance and struggling to reach my goals. Previously, his support was invaluable when I was finalizing my dissertation—after his guidance, I found the energy and motivation to complete it. This time, I sought his help as I was hesitant to start dating and found myself withdrawing from social interactions. Thanks to Umer’s healing work, I’ve reconnected with the world and recently met a wonderful man who is emotionally available. I’ve finally broken free from my old pattern of dating emotionally unavailable partners. I’m deeply grateful for your transformative healing Umer and wish you many blessings!


I highly recommend!

August 9, 2024

Umer is my “knight in shining armour “when it comes to rescuing me out of “ a dark cloud that often surrounds me “ I’m highly sensitive & an empath & working in environments were there are a lot of difficult energies the effect is usually instant & I can feel positive shift that last for weeks . I highly recommend!
