What is the Emotion Code and How Does It Benefit Us?


The Emotion Code is a process developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, D.C. It was created to help people release their emotional blocks and restore their energy levels without having to rely on medication or therapy. The Emotion Code can be used for many different purposes, including releasing negative emotions that are holding you back from living your best life

What is the emotion code?

The Emotion Code is a process developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, D.C. It’s a way to find and release painful emotions, heal faster and live with more peace in your life.

The Emotion Code is similar to acupuncture, but it uses magnets instead of needles. This non-invasive treatment can be done without touching your body; it only requires that you lay down on the table while the practitioner holds two small plastic discs against various points on their hands or feet (depending on what area needs work). The word “code” is used because it’s like a code that unlocks your emotions and reveals the true root of an issue–a way for us all to access our inner wisdom so we know exactly what we need next in order for our lives to unfold as they should!


How does the Emotion Code work?

The Emotion Code is a process that uses specific frequencies to clear the energy from your emotions. It’s an extremely powerful tool that can help you clear away negative emotions and release pain.

The Emotion Code can also help you find and release painful emotions, heal faster, live with more peace in your life, create positive change in relationships or business situations (or both), improve health issues such as chronic pain or IBS…and so much more!

How can the Emotion Code benefit me?

The Emotion Code is a powerful tool that helps you to release negative emotions and find the root cause of your issues. It also helps you to live with more peace in your life, because once you’ve released these negative emotions, they don’t have as much power over you anymore.

The Emotion Code works by releasing any negative thoughts or feelings that are stored in the body and causing pain or illness. These may be from the past, present or future! They could be old wounds from childhood; anger towards someone who has hurt us; guilt from something we did years ago; fear about what might happen tomorrow… anything! The list goes on!

The Emotion Code may be able to help you clear away some of your negative emotions.

The Emotion Code may be able to help you clear away some of your negative emotions.

Using the emotion code can help you find and release painful emotions, heal faster and live with more peace in your life.

Emotion Code

The Emotion Code is a process developed by Bradley Nelson. It’s a way of releasing and healing painful emotions, which are stored in your cells and tissues. The Emotion Code helps you find these emotions, then release them so that you feel better on every level: physically, mentally and spiritually.

The Emotion Code works because it’s based on quantum physics (the science of energy). When we heal our thoughts, beliefs and feelings about ourselves or others–especially if we do this work as part of an energy healing process like the Emotion Code–it changes our energy field so that it resonates with what we want instead of what we don’t want anymore!

What is an Emotion Code Practitioner?

An Emotion Code Practitioner is someone trained in the Emotion Code process. They can be a professional or friend, but they must have undergone extensive training to become an expert in this technique.

A good practitioner will help you get the most out of your session by using muscle testing to determine what emotions are trapped in the body and then help process them so that they no longer affect you negatively. This process can take as little as a few minutes, depending on how many trapped emotions are found and how long each takes to release (though some people choose not to release all their trapped emotions during one session).

Using The Emotion Code can help you find and release painful emotions, heal faster and live with more peace in your life.

The Emotion Code is a process developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, D.C. It’s a process that helps you release painful emotions and heal faster from past experiences. It can also help you live with more peace in your life.

The Emotion Code works by detecting blocks in the body that are holding on to negative emotions or trauma from the past. These blocks often cause pain or illness, but they don’t always show up as physical symptoms–sometimes they just show up as emotional symptoms such as anger or sadness instead of physical ones like headaches or back pain!

The Emotion Code is a tool for healing yourself from inside out using energy medicine techniques such as acupuncture meridians (the energy lines throughout our bodies), chakra balancing (the seven main Chakras which govern different aspects of our lives) and kinesiology muscle testing plus many more modalities including EFT tapping technique etc…

Emotion Code is a process developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, D.C.

The Emotion Code is a process developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, D.C., who discovered it while working with his patients. He found that he could help many people with their emotional issues by using this method of healing..


The emotion Code is a way of thinking that can help us improve our lives in many ways. It’s the idea that there are certain triggers, or patterns, in our thoughts and feelings that lead us towards happiness or unhappiness. By understanding these patterns, we can learn how to change them and make ourselves feel better more often than not. Book emotion code session from us at this link:

Picture of About Umer

About Umer

Umer is an experienced Energy Healer and Certified Emotion Code/ Body Code Practitioner, committed to guiding individuals on their journey towards holistic health. He specializes in techniques that balance mind, body, and spirit, fostering profound transformations in his clients. Begin your healing journey at https://www.reikihealingdistance.com/services and discover the potential of energy healing through over 1050 client testimonials at https://www.reikihealingdistance.com/all-reviews

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